#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################### # SCRIPT PARAMETERS (CHANGE HERE). ################################################################### ### URL path where this script resides (+gifies for smilies). ### (can also be a relative url) $SCRIPTDIR="/board"; ### Where are the datafiles stored in ? $DATADIR="./data"; ### background color of table headers $BGCOLORTBLHEAD="33CCFF"; ### title of all boards page $ALLBOARDS="Michael's Message Board"; ### style of fonts (is put into body tag of all generated files. $FONTSTYLE = "style='font-family:verdana,helvetica,ariel;font-size:11pt'"; ################################################################### ### HTTP Header string for HTML result $HTTPHEADER = "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; ### read POST parameters into global $CgiParam{$name} &parse_form; $DO = $CgiParam{"do"}; $BOARDID = $CgiParam{"id"}; ### change password if ($DO eq "pword"){ &CheckSecurity; &ChangePword; } ### no parameters - show listof message boards. elsif ($DO eq "newb"){ &CheckSecurity; &NewBoard; } ### delete a message board elsif ($DO eq "delb"){ &CheckSecurity; &DeleteBoard; } ### delete a whole thread elsif ($DO eq "delt"){ &CheckSecurity; &DeleteThread; } ### delete a message elsif ($DO eq "delm") { &CheckSecurity; &DeleteMessage; } else { &AdminBoard; } ## stupid security sub ChangePword { if (open(PASW,">$DATADIR/passw")) { $salt = crypt($CgiParam{'npassw'},"KuKuKuKu"); print PASW "$salt"; close(PASW); print "$HTTPHEADER

User has been changed.

"; } } ## stupid security sub CheckSecurity { if (open(PASW,"$DATADIR/passw")) { $p = ; close(PASW); if (crypt($CgiParam{"passw"},$p) eq $p) { } else { die "$HTTPHEADER

False username or password

Please try again"; } } } ### read POST parameters into global $CgiParam{$name} sub parse_form { local($name,$value,$meth,$in,$len,$got,@pairs,$pair); $meth = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; # Get the request data if (!defined $meth || $meth eq '' || $meth eq 'GET' || $meth eq 'HEAD') { $in = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } elsif ($meth eq 'POST') { $len = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; $got = read(STDIN, $in, $len); ($got==$len) || die "$HTTPHEADER Can't read POST data $got $len\n"; } else { die "$HTTPHEADER Unknown request method: $meth\n"; } # Split the name-value pairs @pairs = split(/&/, $in); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; # Remove any NULL characters, Server Side Includes $value =~ s/\0//g; $value =~ s///g; $CgiParam{$name} = $value; } } ### force the user to enter a password. ### force password ### argument - the realm of the error message if things go wrong. ### get a unique number key. sub get_number { CreateIfNotThere("$DATADIR/$_[0]"); open(NUMBER,"+<$DATADIR/$_[0]"); flock(NUMBER,2); ## exclusive write lock. #seek(BOARD,0,0); $num = ; if ($num == 999999 || $num !~ /^\d+$/) { $num = "1"; } else { $num++; } seek(NUMBER,0,0); print NUMBER "$num"; close(NUMBER); $num; } ### creates a file if it does not exist. sub CreateIfNotThere { if (!open(CHECK,"$_[0]")) { open(CHECK,">$_[0]") || die "$HTTPHEADER Can't create $_[0]"; } close(CHECK); } ### write the admin html sub AdminBoard { print < Message board administration

Message Board Administration


  1. [ Create a new Message Board ]  

  2. [ View Message Boards ]  

  3. [ Delete Message Board ]  

  4. [ Delete Thread ]  

  5. [ Delete Message ]  

  6. [ Change password ]   - initially there is no password;

Create Message Board

Message Board Title

Delete Message Board

Message Board ID ENDOFTEXT &BoardSelect; print <
Delete data files

Delete Thread in a Message Board

Message Board ID ENDOFTEXT &BoardSelect; print <
Thread ID
Delete data files

Delete Message in a Thread

Message Board ID ENDOFTEXT &BoardSelect; print <
Thread ID
Message ID
Delete answers

Change administrators password

Old Password:
New Password:
Confirm New Password:

ENDOFTEXT } ### write a select tag with the titles of all message boards. sub BoardSelect { print ""; } ### create a new message board sub NewBoard { ### process form parameters $ttl = $CgiParam{'title'}; $ttl =~ s/##//g; $ttl =~ s/\n//g; $msg = $CgiParam{"message"}; $msg =~ s//>/g; $msg =~ s/\n\n/

/g; $msg =~ s/\n/
/g; $msg =~ s/##//g; $boardid = get_number("allboards.num"); ### copy board list and put the new board first. CreateIfNotThere("$DATADIR/allboards.data"); open(BOARD,"+<$DATADIR/allboards.data") || die "$HTTPHEADER Can't open allobards.data"; flock(BOARD,2); ## exclusive write lock @lines=; seek(BOARD,0,0); print BOARD "$boardid##$ttl##$msg\n"; foreach $line (@lines) { print BOARD "$line"; } close(BOARD); ### create empty message board subject list that also contains the title $filename="$DATADIR/board_$boardid.data"; open(BOARD,">$filename"); print BOARD "$ttl\n"; close(BOARD); ### ok message. print "$HTTPHEADER

The message board has been added

"; } ### deletes a message board sub DeleteBoard { ### delete the entry from the list of all message boards. open(BOARD,"+<$DATADIR/allboards.data") || die "$HTTPHEADER can't open allboards.data"; flock(BOARD,2); ## exclusive write lock @lines=; seek(BOARD,0,0); foreach $line (@lines) { ($tid) = split(/##/, $line); if ($tid != $BOARDID) { print BOARD "$line"; } } truncate(BOARD,tell(BOARD)); close(BOARD); ### delete data files. if ($CgiParam{"delfile"} eq "on") { @tmp=<$DATADIR/thread_$BOARDID\_*.*>; unlink @tmp; @tmp=<$DATADIR/board_$BOARDID\.*>; unlink @tmp; } ### ok message. print "$HTTPHEADER

The message board has been deleted

"; } ### delete thread sub DeleteThread { $THREADID = $CgiParam{"tid"}; $filename="$DATADIR/board_$BOARDID.data"; CreateIfNotThere($filename); open(BOARD,"+<$filename") || die "$HTTPHEADER can't open $filename"; flock(BOARD,2); ## exclusive write lock $BOARDTITLE=; @lines = ; seek(BOARD,0,0); print BOARD $BOARDTITLE; $nmsg=0; foreach $line (@lines) { ($tid) = split(/##/, $line); if ($tid != $THREADID) { print BOARD $line; } else { ($tid, $pic, $nmsg) = split(/##/, $line); } } truncate(BOARD,tell(BOARD)); close(BOARD); if ($CgiParam{"delfile"} eq "on") { @tmp=<$DATADIR/thread_$BOARDID\_$THREADID.*>; unlink @tmp; } ## update count of messages in board list. AddToBoardList($DATADIR,$BOARDID,"",-$nmsg) if ($nmsg != 0); ### ok message. print "$HTTPHEADER

The thread has been deleted

"; } ### delete a message from a thread. sub DeleteMessage { $THREADID = $CgiParam{"tid"}; $MSGID = $CgiParam{"mid"}; $DELALL = $CgiParam{"delall"} eq "on"; $threadfile = "$DATADIR/thread_$CgiParam{'id'}_$THREADID"; CreateIfNotThere("$threadfile.htm"); open(THREAD,"+<$threadfile.htm") || die "$HTTPHEADER Can't open file $threadfile"; flock(THREAD,2); ## exclusive write lock @threadlines = ; seek(THREAD,0,0); $mode=0; $deletedcount=0; foreach $line (@threadlines) { if ($mode==0) { if ($line =~ /\/ && $1==$MSGID) { $deletedcount++; $mode=1; $indent=$2; } else { print THREAD $line; } } elsif ($mode==1) { if ($line =~ /\/) { if ($DELALL==0) { $mode=2; } else { if ($2<=$indent) { $mode=2; } else { $deletedcount++; } } } } if ($mode==2) { print THREAD $line; } } truncate(THREAD,tell(THREAD)); close(THREAD); ## update count of messages in board list. AddToBoardList($DATADIR,$BOARDID,"",-$deletedcount); ### ok message. print "$HTTPHEADER

The message has been deleted

"; } ### Update count of messages and date of last message # # $_[0] - data directory # $_[1] - board id # # $_[2] - date string # # $_[3] - increment. # ### sub AddToBoardList { local(@boardlines,$filename,$line,$tid, $subject, $comment, $nummsg ,$date_time); $filename="$_[0]/allboards.data"; CreateIfNotThere("$filename"); open(BOARD,"+<$filename") || die "$HTTPHEADER Can't open file $filename"; flock(BOARD,2); ## exclusive write lock @boardlines=; seek(BOARD,0,0); ### write changes back. foreach $line (@boardlines) { if (!($line=="\n" || $line=="")) { chop($line); ($tid, $subject, $comment, $nummsg, $date_time) = split(/##/, $line); if ($BOARDID == $tid) { $nummsg += $_[3]; $date_time=$_[2] if ($_[2] ne ""); } print BOARD "$tid##$subject##$comment##$nummsg##$date_time\n"; } } truncate(BOARD,tell(BOARD)); close(BOARD); }